Improving general intelligence tests project- updated report
Since January, I have finished collecting data in both my visual addition and subtraction EEG experiments. In this project, I compared between maintaining and manipulation of the same amount of visual information. Results suggested that addition and subtraction required more VWM capacity than just maintaining the same amount of information. In addition, the results suggested that while combining visual information we still maintain the initial parts as well as the result, in subtraction we maintain the result alone (as presented in the graphs below). I have also conducted a pilot for a behavioral experiment aimed to further establish that theory. I have adjusted my experiment following the pilot and I hope to be able to conduct the full experiment soon. In addition, I am in the process of writing a paper about my mental rotation project, containing results from two EEG experiments I have conducted last year. To this end, I am reading relevant papers as well as working on an additional EEG latencies analysis. Moreover, I am currently taking an online course about psychometric measurements as well as studying python independently in preparation for an EEG workshop to be taken during August. I am also taking an online Illustrator class which will help me design posters in the future. Next month, I will be presenting a poster in the VSS online conference about my mental addition and subtraction project.