PH.D. Student
The ‘reading brain’: Brain imaging in the service of dyslexia diagnosis and treatment
PH.D. Student
Non-Reinforced Behavioral Change: Neural Mechanisms, Prediction and Application
Smart Robotic Device for Enhancing Motor and Cognitive Learning of Children with Special Needs
PH.D. Student
Effective learning with ATFs (Automated Testing and Feedback system) - Examining the impact of integrating ATFs and calibrating its characteristics to enhance learning effectiveness and outcomes in online programming courses
PH.D. Student
Implementing computer-based neuro-cognitive training program to improve the cognitive and academic functions of children and adolescents from different cultures, with and without attention and/or cognitive control difficulties
Modulating the functional context of Methylphenidate administration to enhance drug effect on attention deficits in university students
It’s not (just) the technology, stupid: Reimagining collaboration and transfer in higher education
PH.D. Student
TIKRA! - Digital tools for improved reading and learning in students with dyslexia
Estimating individuals’ learning needs to improve the fit between students and their educational environment
PH.D. Student
Individual learning differences in immersive virtual reality environment and their physiological and neural representation
The effectiveness of VR Social Skills Trainer on children with social skills deficit
PH.D. Student
The need for developing research-driven rehabilitation to improve learning of visual shapes and patterns in individuals with perceptual difficulties.
PH.D. Student
Finding a necessary and sufficient neuronal pattern which induces memory-like behavior
From letter migrations between words in typical and dyslexic Arabic readers to the nature of the orthographic-visual analyzer
PH.D. Student
Personality based tailored learning paths using learning analytics for raising satisfaction level in online academic courses
Attentive Kindergarten: An intervention program enhancing learning and social-emotional skills among preschoolers
Ph.D. Student
Exploring the steps of learning: Computational modeling of initiatory-actions among individuals with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Ph.D. Student
The role of eye movements in non-verbal communication during educational interactions
Ph.D. Student
Changes in the brain connectome architecture induced by different learning experiences, and their association with the quality of learning.
Social Robots as teacher-trainers for classroom group discussions in Computational Thinking courses
Teachers’ noticing of dialogue in computer-supported collaborative mathematics learning