The Project:
Monitoring lapses using pupillometry to promote attentive learning
PI’s: Prof. Lilach Shalev-Mevorach and Prof. Shlomit Yuval-Greenberg
Lapses of attention that occur spontaneously throughout the day, have a detrimental impact on comprehension in the process of learning. The main objective of my research is to promote attentive learning by monitoring lapses of attention utilizing a non-invasive real-time bio-marker of fluctuations of attention- pupillometry. In my first experiment, conducted with the support of Minducate, I mapped the relations between the pupil size measures (baseline pupil size and task evoked pupil dilation), and different levels of sustained attention attention\ task engagement in an auditory sustained attention task. Results show that changes in both baseline baseline pupil size and task evoked dilation are linked to quality of response following the information presented. These results were successfully replicated in second experiment conducted this year. A third experiment utilizing a visual sustained attention task also showed converging evidence regarding pupil dynamics and individual differences in the ability to sustain attention in both neurotypical and ADHD participants. This year I intend to further examine pupillometry as a marker of sustained attention under different alertness states that naturally change during the day in different chronotypical students. In this experiment I will examine the change in levels of sustained attention and pupil size dynamics in different times of the day, while considering variables like sleep quality, caffeine intake etc. The overreaching goal of my project is to promote attentive and efficient learning by monitoring attention through pupillometry in two levels- choosing optimal time frame for learning, based on individual alertness patterns, and developing an objective marker of fluctuations of attention that can be implemented in an online feedback system to minimize periods of inefficient inattentive learning.