All Tel Aviv University's PIs are eligible to submit a proposal.
The PIs should assign a letter of commitment to the Minducate program.
Early stage researchers (postdoctorate fellows, up to 5 years from their Ph.D graduation) can submit an independent idea for a Minducate project and attach a support and commitment letter from a PI that will mentor and host them during the project. The PI should address the availability of funding for running the experiments.
The selected postdoctorate and PhD fellows are committed to participate and contribute to Minducate events (conferences, seminars, meetings).
PIs or post doctorate candidates who would like assistance in finding a partner can contact Dr. Dana Bar-On: sagolschool@tauex.tau.ac.il.
A dedicated scientific committee composed of experts from academia and the relevant industry will select which projects are to be supported annually. See the committee members:
https://www.minducate-tau.org/scientific-committee/.The final student candidates for the proposal will be invited to personally present the project to the committee.
For more details about the center see: http://www.minducate-tau.org
25 Oct. 2018
11 Nov. 2018
From 20 Dec 2018
If the project is not conducted in the university, applicants should explain how they intend to reach their target population – ethical and other approvals needed.