hackathon — Minducate



Learning and Brain Hackathon is a one of its kind opportunity for innovators to meet, learn and use cutting edge brain-science and brain tech tools. Multidisciplinary teams of up to 5 participants will address challenges revolving around life-long-learning and implement the newest bits of knowledge and experience in developing solutions for them: At the University and Beyond.


The Hackathon is organized by the Sagol School of Neuroscience and TAU Online. We invite researchers, developers and innovators ranging from Computer-Science, Psychology, Management, Biology, Education and any other brain and education related subjects to join us.

Reserve your spots early as capacity is limited.

Great prizes for winning teams!

The event will take place in Hebrew.


June 21st 2017

Doors Open + Brain Science Innovation mini-Exhibition at "Hamiflat"

Opening statements and guest mini-lectures  



Prof. Yesha Sivan, Executive Director of The Coller Institute of Venture at Tel Aviv University Coller School of management [read more]

Ateret Anaby.jpg

Ateret Anaby-Tavor, Manager, Decision Analytics, Watson Group, IBM Haifa Research Lab,  expert in Decision Analytics in scenarios of multiple conflicting goals [read more] 

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Jonathan Schipper, Founder of Nextech / Wearable Tech Israel communities, Co-founder of Gemsense - Rapid development kit for connected products [read more] 

Mentors and visitors will come along the day

Teams work until midnight


Juse 22nd 2017

Doors Open

Teams work until 15:30

Closing cocktail


Judging and awards for winners




Hamiflat ('the Last Resort')  is a cafe-workspace conveniently located at the main gate of Tel Aviv University. Where chic meets innovation.


All meals are provided. Let us know of specific dietary restrictions. Great coffee will be served around the clock.


Space and event are accessible. Please let us know of specific accessibility needs and we will accommodate for them.

Hackathon participants work in teams, which develop projects to address challenges.

Browse the posts in this section and learn about the challenges presented by the Minducate Hackathon Team. 

Do you have a project idea? 

click on 'Start New Topic' below, and tell us what your project or challenge is. 

Do you need a project team? 

Click on a project below, join project teams or invite others to join yours! You can also invite friends to register and join your projects. 


 you can post with just your name, connect with Facebook or just create a forum account. Just click on "Create an account or log in" when posting or replying. 

Back to Projects List

Our Team

Dana Bar On.jpg


Dr. Bar-On is the head of the industry-academia cooperation at the Sagol School of Neuroscience in Tel Aviv University. Tel Aviv University’s Sagol School of Neuroscience is a center for excellence in Neuroscience research and education (http://neuroscience-web.tau.ac.il/en/).


Dr. Orly Fuhrman

I'm a cognitive psychologist who is passionate about language learning and literacy. Looking for the best ways technology can improve lifelong learning. 

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Yarden Dankner


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Tom Solomon

Tom Solomon

I initiated my first steps in neuroscience at the early age of 18, starting my bachelor degree in Tel-Aviv University interdisciplinary program for psychology and biology with emphasis on neuroscience. In my B.Sc. I had the opportunity to experience in research projects of a wide variety of disciplines 

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Ainat Peer

Ainat Peer

PhD Candidate in Coller School of Management.

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Arnon Zamir

Social Technological Entrepreneur, Founding Director of TOM:Makers for People with Disabilities. Developer, educator and part-time optimist.


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Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg

A member of the Knesset, a world renowned expert for the economics of innovation and technology,
a Prof. for economics in Tel Aviv University. 


Prof. Uri Ashery

Head of the Sagol School of Neuroscience 


DR. Aya Sofer

Director, Cognitive Analytics and Solutions


Dr. Jacob Dayan

Founder  and CEO
EdTech Israel


Yael Doron Drori

Google for Education Lead, Israel


Yuval Schreibman

CEO TAU-Online



Dr. Eitan Orr

Partner and CEO; Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology.

CEO and founder, TACK


Prof. Lilach Shalev Mevorach

The Attention Lab


Royi Ben Yossef

Developer relations manager at Samsung Next